Monday 5 October 2015

Behind the Scenes - Tyre Shoot

Another usual shoot venue recently, I was asked to run a shoot at a garage, a proper working garage with piles and piles of tyres.  

So what do you do with piles of tyres? Well make a glamorous bed of course and photography models in the lingerie of course!   
 Believe it or not humping tyres around is quite hard work, so before the shoot even started I was pretty shattered and pretty filthy. But still I think it was worth it. By the time the photographers who booked onto the shoot,  I had identified some really good spots to shoot and with Jodie's (the model) help set up and tested out "the bed"  
Ready to go I would say...

Whilst The 2 great models Jodie and Brynn did their model thing posing their hearts out out.  I had had the chance to wander around and chat with Luke the owner and take some photos of him and one of his mechanics working on a go cart.   It's surprising how versatile such a location can be.   I will admit I really wasn't that inspired by the idea until I got there and had a look around. Thank heavens for my trusty bag of fabrics and gubbins... having said all that, all the frabric is in need of a hot wash after this shoot.

Luke and his Mechanic working 
I did get the chance to take some photos though,   I was like a photographic ninja in between organising sets and keeping everyone on track timewise.  I managed to get some natural light images with my 50mm lens.

Jodie Richardson  "The Mechanics Assistant"

The last set we shot was actually using the "bed" set that we built in the upper part of the garage and everyone had a chance to get both models on their own and a set with the two lovely models working together. 

Brynn G

And Finally.... Luke and the two models.   I reckon this one would make a cracking garage Calender... what do you think?

Saturday 19 September 2015

Event Photography - Covering NorPIP's Consortia Meeting

My photographic journey continues.  I was asked by the CEO of NorPIP, a children's charity based in Northampton to provide photographic coverage of their first Consortia meeting.   Whilst I have covered events and orivided pop up studio services  I've never really covered a meeting as such.  it was an interesting experience,   I felt a bit like a ninja skulking around the room taking pictures but trying to be as unobrustive as possible,  not entirely sure I managed it,  but I did manage to get some great photographs and captured a real flavour of the event.

NorPIP is  a charity that provides psychotherapy to parents struggling to bond with their babies, NorPip deal with families from during pregnancy to 2 years of age with the belief that if you can deal with psychological issues surrounding parenting and homelife as early as possible in a child's life that you can prevent a lot of difficulties in later childhood, saving families a great deal of suffering.

A worthy charity indeed.  

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Let's Talk About Boudoir

I get asked a lot  why I like boudoir photography so much.  It's quite a complicated question really..  I guess being  woman myself I understand just how negative I can be about my personal appearance.  Women are not good at "bigging ourselves up"  we tend to find a flaw in ourselves and that's what we focus on whether it's a line on our faces that we think is a trench when in reality it's a tiny fine laugh line!  

The truth is we are never as awful as we think we are, that spot on your chin is not a volcano.  your bum really isn't the bus sized monstrosity you think it is. 

To me every woman has a unique beauty and my job as a photographer is to find that, enhance it through my work and capture it through my lens.

Boudoir photography is a very personal experience for the person having their photo taken, there is a realtionship that builds between myself and my subject, a bond, a trust that is very special.   Often I see ladies walk in who are very hard on themselves and very shy.  The biggest buzz I get is when they blossom during our session and walk out at the end of the shoot with their heads held high, a sassy sashay in their hips and a big smile on the faces.  And that's before they have even seen the images we have created.

Boudoir is a liberating, self affirming exciting experience and most of all it's fun,  it's two hours of giggling and silliness that leaves a woman feeling good about herself, feeling sexy and exciting again, something that we all sort of lose along the way, with our busy daily lives.

So book your boudoir session with me and rediscover your inner goddess

Contact me on my email or on +44 (0)7481 848904

Thursday 9 July 2015

Event Photography - Pop Up Photo Stand

A new experience for me has been event photography,  wow what a challenge!  I had a Pop Up Photography Stand at a recent evening event in Peterborough,  as well as taking pictures all through the event (a 20's style casino) dinner and awards, I had such a lot of fun doing this evening, everyone was having so much fun and were all quite happy to goof about for the camera.  

Although it was a long day,   I can see that the Pop Up stand was a real hit with the guests and I will definitely be offering this as a service. 

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Photography - A Passion and a Pain

I love photography,for me there is nothing better than peering at the world through the viewfinder, there is something about narrowing down your view to one specific thing that calms the mind and focuses the thoughts.  For me, there is nothing quite like that feeling.  

Models often ask what photographers think about when they are taking photos, actually non-photographers ask that as well... "What are you thinking about when you have an almost naked person in front of you?"   Well to be honest, not much about their state of undress, apart from the concern that they might be chilly.   My mind is usually a whirl with thoughts like how does the colour look? Are the eyes in focus,  is there hair where it shouldn't be,  Do I like the facial expression? Is there more that I can achieve with this pose/prop/idea?  Is it working at all? What's the light doing? Where is it coming from? Is there enough light? Is there too much light? Am I up high enough?  Would this be a better shot from ------> over there.  

Every now and again there is a Eureka moment and I think yes I hit that shot perfectly but most of the time it's all about how could I do this better?  What improvements are to be made?

Part of the joy of photography is the challenge of it, but it is also the most painful part as well.  Having an idea in your head that you never can quite feel you have managed to achieve in the actual image. There is rarely a photo that I take or a composite that I finish that I don't find fault with afterwards.  it's an impossible situation.