Wednesday 2 September 2015

Let's Talk About Boudoir

I get asked a lot  why I like boudoir photography so much.  It's quite a complicated question really..  I guess being  woman myself I understand just how negative I can be about my personal appearance.  Women are not good at "bigging ourselves up"  we tend to find a flaw in ourselves and that's what we focus on whether it's a line on our faces that we think is a trench when in reality it's a tiny fine laugh line!  

The truth is we are never as awful as we think we are, that spot on your chin is not a volcano.  your bum really isn't the bus sized monstrosity you think it is. 

To me every woman has a unique beauty and my job as a photographer is to find that, enhance it through my work and capture it through my lens.

Boudoir photography is a very personal experience for the person having their photo taken, there is a realtionship that builds between myself and my subject, a bond, a trust that is very special.   Often I see ladies walk in who are very hard on themselves and very shy.  The biggest buzz I get is when they blossom during our session and walk out at the end of the shoot with their heads held high, a sassy sashay in their hips and a big smile on the faces.  And that's before they have even seen the images we have created.

Boudoir is a liberating, self affirming exciting experience and most of all it's fun,  it's two hours of giggling and silliness that leaves a woman feeling good about herself, feeling sexy and exciting again, something that we all sort of lose along the way, with our busy daily lives.

So book your boudoir session with me and rediscover your inner goddess

Contact me on my email or on +44 (0)7481 848904

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